Hole Thoughts #2

So the past two days, I’ve had a very lively debate about lots of things, but it started over someone calling me a hypocrite for saying that everyone has the right to be themselves without persecution from others. They said this because I say that right don’t apply to anyone whose beliefs and ideologies are inherently inflammatory, racist, sexist, bigoted, fascist or violent in any way. If you hold those ideas, there’s NO place in our society for you. Let me repeat: there is no place for you, that ideology needs to be eradicated, those people either renounce that ideology or you die out with it, period. If you hold those beliefs in the seclusion of you and your racist, bigoted, sexist friends, cool – if you believe that’s your right, sure. But the second you spew your hate around me and anyone in my generation, expect us to exercise our right to break your teeth in. We will do it happily. You don’t get to hold those ideals around us. We are not our parents, we will no bite our tongues, or cater to your boomer sensitivitiess, you fucking’ snowflakes, it’s not our goal or job to “win” your heart or mind, it’s not our job to tell you why your beliefs are wrong, it’s 2024, at this point it’s willful ignorance, so fuck you!

My generation is just not soft, yo. Fascists get the boot, no less – same with pigs. That was the next thing they got on me for, was because I “spew hate” every time I talk about a cop pig, lol.

Listen, nobody chooses to be born black, or any minority, no one chooses who they love or their true identity as a human, contrary to what is assigned to them at birth. These are not choices, this is who people are. Pigs choose to be pigs, they choose to uphold and participate in a corrupt, oppressive, repressive, racist and evil system. That’s a choice, so yea like, I hate pigs 100%. Quit your job, anything is more respectable.

They then proceeded to tell me that “well, if you don’t like this country so much and you don’t wanna let people express themselves freely, you hate capitalism, and private property, why are you here? Why don’t you leave this great country? Cuz we need police, we need law and order, cuz without cops I’d do more crime.” His statement blew me away, but this was my retort:

A: I am here because my parents met and fucked and conceived me, I did not *poof* exist here, yo, because I said “you know what would be cool, to exist” lol.

B: It’s so economically unfeasible to just up and move to another place.

C: I am of the school of thought that if you don’t like something, you change it, not run from it — another reason our generations.

D: Lastly, the founding fathers who started this country that y’all ride so hard (cuz they went off over a “fuck you ‘merca” shit, lol), those people who stole this land, they didn’t run from a government they didn’t like, they resisted, they fought, they changed their circumstances.

So no, you won’t find me running from this, you’ll fine me running a splinter cell group plotting insurrection and resisting with direct action. You’ll find me at the barricades, you’ll find me giving my life for the people, for love of revolution, for liberation and love. So that’s why I’m here. They said, “so you wanna overthrow the government”, I said, “absolutely”, the only way to free the people, humanity, and save the future. That set them off so bad! The whole unit was in an uproar, they started singing the national anthem and shit and I was like, “hold up, first, for those of you who say without pigs you’d do more and worse crime, you are the problem if you have to have threat of violence and repression and removal from society to keep you from being a shitty person, then you got some issues. Furthermore, if as an outlaw, pigs deter you from crime, you’re not a real criminal. I commit crimes in spite of pigs, I don’t care about pigs when I commit crimes.” lol, I then said, “How is it that a whole prison of “outlaws”, people who live outside the law, how come you all be such bootlickers?!” lol that riled them up again, lol! I’ve come to the conclusion that these people are suffering from an extreme case of Stockholm Syndrome, lol. I don’t fault them this, I just am disappointed, you know?

Oh god, let’s not even get on the topic of trans rights, lol man, they are some cold pieces, like it took me so long to get them to admit they’re bigots lol. They said “I’m not disrespectful if I want to call a dude a chick, I’m just not gunna live in their fantasy world, it’s not disrespectful, I don’t even have a problem with them”. Now listen, I went through the 5 stages of grief twice, then came back to anger in the end, lol. I said “dawg so how do you not think it’s disrespectful to blatantly disregard the way someone identifies and misgender someone?” I said, “these pigs y’all are defending identify as ‘police officers’, ‘correctional officers’, ‘law enforcement’, but if I have a whole convo with them and call them pigs, they’ll feel disrespected right? That’s me blatantly disrespecting them cuz they are pigs to me”. They then said that’s not a good comparison, so I said, “ok, what if you are in your boss’s office and the whole time instead of ‘Mr. So & So’ you say ‘dude’ the whole time, will the boss not feel disrespected?” They ain’t like that one either. They said it’s his position, not how he identifies, so I said, “ok then the boss is a woman and you keep referring to her as ‘bruh’ or ‘man’ or ‘dude’ or ‘bro’?” Once again, they ain’t like it, ugh… so what I said was, “just admit you have a problem with trans people yo, cuz the crux is, someone identifies one way, you don’t see them that way, so you refuse to call them that because you have a problem with that”. They admitted it but refused to say misgendering was disrespectful. I explained that disrespect is dependent on the person being disrespected, you can’t tell someone how they feel or not, but you can be told you’re being disrespectful to someone.

After about 30 minutes of back and forth, they come to the conclusion I was right, lol. So I didn’t change their view, but as I said, that’s not my aim, I will just call you out for being the bigot you are and inform you that spewing it around me will have consequences and repercussions. All told, it was a frustrating lively debate and a good way to kill a couple hours in the hole. Man, I can’t stand the older generations’ sensitivities, lol, I’ma call a spade a spade, if you’re racist, bigoted or sexist in any way, you deserve every bit of violence that is coming to you. Anyways, fuck 12.

Love, rage and solidarity,
