“Do NOT stand idly by while one of us is taken out”

I just got done watching Fruitvale Station again and god it gets me every time. Oscar Grant is long gone, the incident long since past, but the hurt and pain I feel inside is as if it happened right now. I’ll never know Oscar Grant, but I’ll love him as a brother, a brother slain and taken from this earth before his time from his daughter, his mother, friends and family. The tears I shed now as I type this as the credits roll, are a constant reminder he will never be forgotten, he will always be in my heart and my thoughts as with every young man and woman taken away from us at the hands of these KKKops. If nobody else remembers, I remember, and WE — those who fight and strive for change — will always remember.

One thing I’d like to say is this: for all the filming we do of pigs, we must remember it’s not enough to just catch it on camera, if you care and you love our people, THE people, then do NOT stand idly by and record. Trust me. catching an assault on an officer is better than watching a beautiful father or daughter or son or mother or fellow human cut down by one of them. So if you see something don’t just say something, DO something! Act! If your action can prevent a man being choked to or shot or any harm done to them, then we’ve won. That person lives another day to see their family. No, I’m not saying get yourself shot too, be smart.

Also, remember the numbers game, use our numbers. You don’t have to have a badge and gun to deter someone. A vast amount of us, people who will not stand for another lynching, mobbed up and ready and willing to jump in, are a huge deterrent for the pig minority — and believe me, they ARE the minority. They train in urban warfare to treat us as the enemy, well SO ARE THEY! Treat them as such! Resist! At every chance, at all costs! Do NOT stand idly by while one of US is taken out.

Anyone who knows me knows if I’ve said it once I’ve said it a thousand times, if one of my family suffers that fate, I will rage and there will be hell to pay. I would NEVER forgive those who just stand by as long as I live, because for YOURS I wouldn’t stand idly by. We can all get arrested, it’s better than a pine box, we can beat a charge. I know for some of you that may be scary — the idea of being arrested, having a record, doing time, possibly risking it all — but hear me when I ask: what’s the point of giving if you ain’t giving your all? Do not deal in half measures, don’t half ass anything. Full ass everything! Don’t posture and make your presence known to the pigs who have proven they don’t care about harming someone on camera. Eric Garner’s pigs smiled and waved at those cameras, Derek Chauvin looked smugly, they don’t care about that, so be about it all the way be ready and willing to take it there. They are not some all-powerful entity, they’re KKKops, they bled like us, they’re nothing more than a well organized gang, and WE’RE bigger than theirs.

I say all that to say this, now that my tears have let up: protect each other, because were all we got. God ain’t put us on this earth to get murdered. This genocide will only go on as long as WE allow. Don’t allow it. Stand up, fight back, don’t give them a fucking inch to think they can pull some shit. Protect each other and love each other, we don’t have anyone else but US. They have THEM all day, they’ll back each other up, right, wrong or indifferent. So do the same, because if it’s any of yours, any of mine, right, wrong, or indifferent. I LOVE the people, I fight for the people and the struggle, and I’ll not be within feet of doing something and let something terrible happen like let a mother lose her son. I’d rather we all go get arrested and we figure it out on the back end. Protect yourself, protect each other, we all we got.